Our customers rely on Teubert’s high-class machines for making composites. 2 + 2 = 5! Because composites perform better than the individual constituent materials. The combination of fibers and the thermoplastic matrix results in an extremely strong, rigid material with a very light weight.
The matrix basically consists of thermoplastic - either as a raw material (polymer, granulate or powder form) or as a semi-finished product (film, fiber or prepreg form). For the fiber, all commercially available fibers can be used as raw material, as semi-finished product or in semi-finished form, e.g. as mats, nonwovens or fabrics.
The benefits speak for themselves:
- High potential for lightweight construction due to excellent weight-related rigidity and stability
- Numerous valuable physical properties
- Customized materials are possible
- High degree of creative freedom and flexibility in production
CCM Single Stage
Primary production of semi-finished products.
Profile production possible.
CCM Double Stage
Primary production of long profiles with continuous, curved or varying cross section in a continuous process.
Plate production possible.
The advantage: A wide range of material combinations and layer structures
The CCM process makes almost continuous production possible. A feeding unit pulls the material through the press, which opens and closes cyclically. Precisely regulated laminate pressure of up to 25 bar as well as temperatures of maximum 500°C help to produce semi-finished products as plates (organic sheets) or complex profiles.
The layer structure varies considerably depending on the application. Film stacking (dry mats with thermoplastic foil) or pre-consolidated UD tapes are used to produce high quality polymers. For cost-effective fiber-reinforced composites, the matrix can be injected directly from the granulate.
Semi-finished products made using the CCM process have a degree of porosity of under 1 % with a very low dimensional tolerance. The semi-finished products can be further processed using hot-forming or mechanical processes.
Thermoplastic films with
fiber fabric/scrim
(film stack)
Unidirectional fiber pre-impregnated with matrix (UD-Tape)
Hybrid fabrics (Twintex)
Direct injection of melt between fiber fabrics
(Direct melt injection)
Research & Development:
Our offer for your intensive cooperation with leading institutes
CCM technology gives forward-looking companies a decisive edge. But for many businesses, CCM is still a fledgling technology – and well worth discovering. If you are operating in a dynamic market, want to try new things and explore processes in details, we are the right partner for you. For testing and innovating, we work closely with leading German research institutes such as Cetex and Neue Materialien Fürth. The result is ground-breaking new developments created using state-of-the-art CCM systems.
Please contact us and our research partners if we may share our latest findings with you.
They include:
- Trials with your materials
- Test of new developments
- Support before you decide to buy a new machine
Keep ahead of the rest. With all the advantages of CCM:
- Continuous production of fiber composite
- Bulk processing
- High output
- High quality
- High precision and dimensional accuracy
- Turnkey solutions incl. peripheral devices
- Full integration
- High consolidation quality