Our jubilarian, Thomas Volz

Our head of design, Thomas Volz, celebrated a significant anniversary this year. 40 years with the company! We are just as proud as he is. On the occasion of this milestone, we conducted a short interview with Thomas. We asked him what Teubert means to him and what has stood out to him over the many years. We don't want to withhold his answers from you:

What does Teubert mean to you?

A familiar atmosphere and a 'you-culture,' as well as the opportunity and challenge in the profession to learn something new almost every day and to be very closely connected with our products and customers. Teubert means continuity, quality, satisfaction, but also a sense of security for me.

Which situation at Teubert stands out to you the most?

There are certainly many situations here, but what really stands out to me is my first day at work. As a young BA student, I went to Düsseldorf with our senior boss Joachim Teubert for a week. There, I helped him set up the booth at the trade fair and was directly involved for the first three days. That was already a very 'special' start to my career! 😉

What advice do you give to young colleagues?

Never give up, pursue goals with determination and continuity, and then seize opportunities. Consider criticism as something positive and always actively approach challenges.

For Thomas Volz, his career at Teubert Maschinenbau GmbH began in 1982 with a summer job. From 1983 to 1986, he completed his mechanical engineering studies within the company and, upon successful completion, became a designer in the technical office. In 1989, he took over the leadership of the design department, leading to his appointment as technical director in 2013. Since 2014, Thomas Volz has also been part of the company's management team.

We sincerely thank Thomas for the many successful years and look forward to continued collaboration!

#teubertinside #anniversary #40years #employee #thankful


Teubert Maschinenbau GmbH

Waldshuter Straße 15
78176 Blumberg - Germany

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